We’re an organization that believes that public safety begins where criminal behavior ends.

Our organizing is centered around all aspects related to redefining the imprint of our judiciary system.

We believe that economic equality is the cornerstone of building safe environments.

Missouri City Church of Christ Participatory Defense Project

If you or someone you know has an open criminal case, we invite you to become a client of our Participatory Defense Project. Our team is dedicated to helping individuals navigate the complexities of the legal system to ensure fair and just outcomes. By joining our project, you’ll receive support and guidance tailored to your unique situation, empowering you to actively participate in your defense. Don’t face this challenge alone—let us stand by your side and work together for a better future. Contact us today to learn how we can assist you.

Learn about our campaign

We Believe that in order to influence a reduction in mass incarceration and recidivism here in Texas we must empower people with the tools to advocate for themselves while navigating their way through the criminal justice system and by joining collaborative partnerships with other organizations to invoke change in thinking, processing, and activation of individuals who are directly impacted by the judicial justice system.

Organizational Goals

Bridges To Empowerment’s Top Priorities for 2024

Bridges To Empowerment goals for 2024-2025 includes expanding our cultural organizing efforts to include “The Arts” in an effort to increase our membership base. We want to empower, educate, and drive voter turnout within our focused communities in The Greater Houston Area. We plan to use virtual and in person outreach to accomplish our aspirations.


Black Voter Engagement & Seasoned Saints Initiative

Our Seasoned Saints Initiative educates and entertains 50 seniors at a local residential complex...
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Black Voter Engagement & Lioness

Our newly created Lioness Table provides a safe space for system-impacted women to advocate for justice-related...
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Black Voter Engagement & Youth Justice Advocacy

Our Youth Justice Advocacy Program partners with South Park rap artists Klondike Katt and DJ Icee Hott to discover...
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Total Contacts Attempts
Total Conversations
Voter Turnout